2020年乌兹别克斯坦客户的安装使用现场Installation site of Uzbekistan customers in 2020
查看详情2020年诸城永新工贸有限公司发往立陶宛维尔纽斯港客户现场In 2020, our company will send to the customer site of Vilnius port, Lithuania
查看详情2019年我公司领导会见乌兹别克斯坦食品工业部长Leaders of our company meet with Minister of food industry of Uzbekistan in 2019
查看详情2020年我公司参加俄罗斯食品工业展In 2020, our company will participate in the Russian food industry exhibition
查看详情2018年我公司参加哈萨克斯坦食品展In 2018, our company participated in Kazakhstan food exhibition
查看详情2015年我公司参加吉尔吉斯斯坦食品机械展In 2015, our company participated in Kyrgyzstan food machinery exhibition
查看详情2014年公司参加乌兹别克斯坦农业博览会2014: the company participated in Uzbekistan Agricultural Exposition
查看详情2019年冬季我公司领导会见莫斯科农业协会会长In winter of 2019, leaders of our company met with President of Moscow Agricultural Association
查看详情2015俄罗斯客户发货现场Delivery site of Russian customers in 2015
查看详情2019年我公司参加塔吉克斯坦农业国际博览会现场On the spot of our company's participation in Tajikistan International Agricultural Expo in 2019
查看详情国外展会现场Foreign exhibition site
查看详情2020年我公司给海外客户发货产品现场Our company will deliver products to overseas customers in 2020公司拥有技术人员、工程师和销售售后,形成一支高素质年轻化极富团队精神的队伍。The company has technical personnel, engineers and sales and after-sales, f...